One of the many benefits of being selected as a member of Law Leaders is the ability to publish your designation for other attorneys and consumers to see and help distinguish you and your abilities from other attorneys.
If you have been selected as a member of Law Leaders, you have the exclusive rights to publish your membership badge for FREE on all your online properties. These locations commonly include on websites, social media, newsletters, etc. Note: ONLY selected members of Law Leaders are allowed to publish and use these badges.
We provide two badge download options for members based on the badge size. These include 180 X 180 pixels (LARGE) and 120 x 120 pixels (SMALL). Simply copy the code below for each and paste (place) on your website and/or web properties for use:

LARGE BADGE (180×180 pixels):
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<img src="">

SMALL BADGE (120×120 pixels):
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<img src="">