Amputation injuries are among the most traumatic and serious injuries a person can suffer. Whether it is an arm, leg, or any other body part that needs to be amputated, the injury will stay with you for the rest of your life and require a long and difficult road to recovery. It is estimated that nearly 2 million Americans live with amputations.

There will also be heavy medical expenses involved with the physical therapy and treatment for an amputation. On top of this, the victim recovering will very likely be out of work for a long time or be unable to work again making payment for this injury extremely difficult.

Although, there are ways you can pursue legal action to receive the compensation necessary for amputation injuries. In this post, we will go through exactly what constitutes an amputation injury, the common accidents that can cause them, and what some possible avenues of compensation are available to those that experience these injuries.



Amputation injuries are when a body part such as a leg, arm, or finger is severed from the body either completely or partially.

A complete amputation is when the body part is completely separated from the body. These are typically much more serious to deal with because there can be significant blood loss and it is unlikely the body part will be able to be reattached.

A partial amputation is when the body part is separated from the body but some of its soft tissue remains intact that keeps it connected to the body. It is possible these types of amputations can be reattached, however, this usually requires surgery or some careful medical procedures to succeed.

Partial amputations are still very serious injuries and, even if they are able to be reattached, there is typically some loss of functionality in that limb or appendage.


Traumatic amputations are amputations that happen as a result of an accident. The body part can become amputated because of the accident itself or have to be amputated by a medical professional because of excessive damage done to that body part due to the accident. Some common accidents where amputation injuries can occur are:

  • Accidents involving motor vehicles (these can vehicle to vehicle, or being struck as a pedestrian)
  • Accidents involving heavy machinery or power tools
  • A large object crushing a limb
  • A severe burn that destroys the functionality of a limb
  • Untreated tissue (ie: MRSA) or other diseased body part
Vehicle accidents are one of the most common ways people have lost limbs and, if you were not at fault in the accident, the person who was at fault will be liable for your injuries.

The other types of accidents are typically workplace injuries where construction or factory workers who operate heavy machinery lose a limb because of another employee’s mistake or an equipment malfunction. The next section will go over possible avenues for workers’ compensation.

There are, of course, other accidents that can cause the loss of a limb and for any of these accidents, there can certainly be someone at fault other than the victim. If you have suffered an amputation injury due to one of these accidents, contact a lawyer so you can explore the possible options for compensation.


You have likely heard of workers’ compensation, especially if you work at a job that requires you to operate dangerous power tools. There have been many unfortunate cases of an employee suffering an amputation injury and had to seek workers’ compensation to help pay for their medical expenses.

However, workers’ compensation is capped and typically prohibits those seeking it from obtaining compensation for pain and suffering. Workers’ compensation will usually help pay for medical bills and the time you miss at work but for many amputation injuries, this is not enough.

For severe amputation injuries, you should consider a third party personal injury claim outside of your workers’ compensation claim. These personal injury claims can help get all the compensation you need to deal with a likely life-long injury that will require heavy physical therapy.

If you wish to prove negligence for your personal injury claim, you must prove that whoever was responsible for the injury had a duty to prohibit the injury and that they were negligent in upholding that duty. Also, the victim has to prove that their negligence was a direct cause of the injury.

It is crucial to talk to an attorney about whether or not you should file a third party personal injury claim to maximize the compensation you could receive for your amputation injury. More times than not, it will be well worth it to file the extra claim.


For almost all amputation injuries, surgery will be required to fully remove all the damaged parts of the body and cleanly amputate the limb. Once the limb or appendage has been completely removed, it is usually fitted for a prosthetic as well.

Depending on how severe the damage is, you could be hospitalized for weeks at a time and remain on bedrest until all risk of infection or further injury has been dealt with. Once the procedure is finished, most patients will have to go through some kind of physical therapy afterwards.

Extensive physical therapy may be needed for those who have lost legs or arms and have to get used to prosthetics. Even after amputation victims are discharged from the hospital, they will typically have to come back for maintenance on their prosthetics or prescription medication for potentially their whole lives.


Amputation injuries can be among the most traumatic injuries a person can suffer and cause drastic changes in your life that are far too much of a burden to handle along.

Luckily, you can get compensation for your injury because organizations like Law Leaders have a team of expert lawyers who can help. There is an avenue to help you gain the compensation you deserve to cover the expenses and other damages that are involved with amputation injuries.

Contact Law Leaders today for more information!