INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the information listed below and then click on the "Continue to Payment" button at the bottom to add your payment information and any further product options / selections.

PRODUCT DETAILS: Local Conversion Pro is a unique new offering that provides local attorneys with a new way to compete and win in local search results. We combine all the major off-website elements into one turnkey service that is managed by a dedicated local search engine consultant on your behalf.


Call Center (125 base minutes)
+ Any Added Minutes @ $2.85/minute
- Can Include: Signed Retainers, Outbound Calling, CRM Integration
Google GMB Maps (Setup, Optimization, Maintenance)
Online Reviews Generation (Platform, Promotion, Strategy)
Google LSA Ad Spend Included
+ Any Additional Desired Monthly Ad Spend (Client Defined In Advance)
SEO Consulting (Standard)
- Monthly Status / Progress / Strategy Calls (1 Hour)
- How to Manage Intake/Funnel/Retainer Processing

Billing is paid in ADVANCE of each month's services. Any services in excess of the standard minutes and ad spend listed above will be automatically added to your bill at the end of each month. Our goal is to help you maximize all call minutes and add spend each month and unused amounts will not be applied to subsequent months unless previously indicated in writing by Law Leaders.

If at anytime you need assistance and/or if you ever need to cancel your service subscription, please contact us at When you cancel, services will continue through the remainder of the service month paid for in advance unless requested otherwise. Billing is paid in ADVANCE of each month's services and refunds and pro-rated refunds are not applied.

Learn More and How to Get Started