Waymo Takes Over Phoenix – And What It Could Mean For Auto Accident Lawyers

Waymo Takes Over Phoenix – And What It Could Mean For Auto Accident Lawyers

Posted on June 5, 2024 by Law Leaders

If you have spent any time in Phoenix lately, you likely saw many self-diving Waymo cars whipping by. If you haven’t, then perhaps you read the recent article in the WSJ talking about how Phoenix have become the Waymo capital of America providing tens of thousands of rides each week.  Waymo, the autonomous vehicle arm of Alphabet Inc., has been steadily expanding its fleet of self-driving cars throughout the city. These vehicles, equipped with cutting-edge technology, are not just a glimpse into the future—but represent a shift with profound implications, particularly for personal injury attorneys who have long depended on auto accident cases as a significant source of their livelihood.


Waymo’s self-driving cars are a marvel of modern engineering – and still turn many heads here in Phoenix when they pass by. They utilize a combination of lidar, radar, and many cameras positioned all around their cars to navigate and understand their environment with remarkable precision. These systems allow the cars to detect and respond to obstacles, traffic signals, and unpredictable human behavior with a level of accuracy that far surpasses human capabilities.

One of the most compelling aspects of Waymo’s technology is its safety record. According to recent studies, Waymo’s autonomous vehicles are nearly seven times safer than the average human-driven car. Specifically, data from Waymo’s testing shows a rate of 0.09 accidents per 100,000 miles driven compared to the national average of 0.7 accidents per 100,000 miles for human drivers. This statistic is not just a number; it represents far fewer Waymo accidents, less traffic-related injuries, and more lives saved. For a city like Phoenix, where traffic accidents are a daily occurrence—with over 31,000 reported crashes in 2023 alone— the widespread adoption of such technology promises to drastically reduce the number of road mishaps.


While the increased safety of self-driving cars is a boon for public health and safety, it presents a unique challenge for personal injury attorneys looking forward. Traditionally, around 60% of personal injury cases have been auto accident related. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are approximately 6 million car accidents in the United States each year. In Maricopa County, which encompasses Phoenix, auto accidents account for a substantial portion of personal injury claims filed annually.

But with the proliferation of Waymo and fewer accidents on the roads, the volume of potential clients seeking legal representation for traffic-related injuries is set to diminish significantly. This trend poses a serious threat to the financial stability of many personal injury law firms, as the reduction in auto accident cases directly impacts their case volume and revenue.


The legal profession is no stranger to change, and with the advent of self-driving cars like Waymo, personal injury attorneys will need to adapt to this new landscape quicker than they might think. Waymo might only be operating in a few major metros now, but it is very likely, especially with lower accident rates, that more states and metros could quickly follow – especially with a potential blessing of National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Despite losses of traditional auto accident cases, one potential area of growth is in cases involving the technology, manufacturing, and maintenance used by autonomous vehicles. As with any complex system, there will inevitably be instances of malfunction, software errors, and poor maintenance leading to accidents. Skilled legal expertise could be crucial in navigating the new terrain of liability and accountability in the era of self-driving cars.

Moreover, as the technology behind autonomous vehicles continues to evolve, there may be new opportunities for legal professionals to specialize in areas related to data privacy, cybersecurity, and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in transportation. For example, issues surrounding the collection and use of data by autonomous vehicles could lead to legal disputes that require specialized knowledge and expertise.

Another option is the expansion into other types of personal injury cases. While auto accidents have traditionally dominated the field, there are numerous other areas where personal injury lawyers can apply their skills, such as workplace injuries, medical malpractice, and product liability cases. In the United States, there are over 2.8 million non-fatal workplace injuries reported annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and medical malpractice cases can yield substantial settlements. By diversifying a practice, attorneys can mitigate the impact of the reduction in auto accident cases.


The proliferation of Waymo’s self-driving cars in Phoenix represents a broader trend towards automation and increased safety on the roads. While this transition may pose a threat to the traditional business model of personal injury attorneys, it also offers a chance for the legal profession to innovate and evolve.

By embracing new areas of law and adapting to the changes brought about by autonomous vehicle technology like Waymo, personal injury attorneys can continue to provide valuable services to their communities. The ultimate goal still remains the same: to seek justice and compensation for those who have been wronged, regardless of how the specifics of those cases may change.

In the end, the rise of Waymo and other self-driving cars is a testament to the power of innovation to improve our lives and Phoenix should be a clarion call to every car accident lawyer as to what is coming. As these vehicles become an increasingly common sight on the streets of Phoenix, they are already showing proof of a safer, more efficient future. And for personal injury attorneys, this future, while challenging, holds the promise of new opportunities and a renewed commitment to serving the public good.


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