Could AI help solve traffic congestion and reduce traffic accidents?

Could AI help solve traffic congestion and reduce traffic accidents?

Could AI help solve traffic congestion? According to recent reports, it may be closer than we think. Traditionally traffic lights have been pre-programmed to run on schedules and sensors. But what if the cars themselves were able to provide a detailed flow of traffic to help the traffic lights adjust for optimal traffic flow? We are already seeing AI powered systems that use imagery to help control inventories and even help prevent accidents. But what if traffic-plagued cities like Chicago, NYC, Boston, Philly, LA and the like were now able to “see” traffic flow from a proverbial 10K foot level...

Drunk Driving Deaths Are On The Rise in the US

Drunk Driving Deaths Are On The Rise in the US

Drunk Driving Deaths Are On The Rise in the US   According to a recent report published in the WSJ, around 13,500 people in the US died in alcohol related crashes in 2022 – a 33% increase over totals from 2019. And while drunk driving fatalities are now at a two-decade high, DUI arrests continue to fall due in large part to understaffed law enforcement agencies. Drunk driving has been a significant contributor to traffic fatalities in the US, recently increasing to around 32% of all traffic-related deaths – for an average of one drunk driving death every 39 minutes....



8 KEY CHALLENGES CONSUMERS FACE IN FINDING THE RIGHT LAWYER The average consumer will only need legal help around 4-6 times during their lifetime, which means that what YOU KNOW about the legal industry as an attorney is MOSTLY UNKNOWN to the average consumer when they have a legal need. Legal industry terms like “practice areas,” “retainers,” “contingency fees,” “mediation,” “arbitration,” and the like are not words used by the average consumer and therefore tend to make most people apprehensive when considering hiring an attorney. This is why when it comes to attorney advertising to consumers, there is often a...

6 Ways to Effectively Raise Your Bill Rates in 2024

6 Ways to Effectively Raise Your Bill Rates in 2024

6 Ways to CONFIDENTLY Raise Your Bill Rates in 2024 In the highly competitive landscape of the legal industry, attorneys are continually seeking ways to enhance their value and increase their bill rates. A recent study released by Thomson Reuters shows that fully 64% (or nearly two-thirds) of attorneys indicate that their top priority of change this year is to raise their billing rates. Rising inflation and increased demand for legal services are the primary drivers for this change. While simply raising rates may seem like a straightforward solution, it often requires strategic planning and execution. As a result, we...

The Crucial Role of Radio Advertising in Lawyer Marketing

The Crucial Role of Radio Advertising in Lawyer Marketing

The Crucial Role of Radio Advertising in Lawyer Marketing In the ever-evolving landscape of legal marketing, where digital advertising only strategies commonly consume most attorney marketing budgets, the enduring power of radio advertising should not be overlooked. While online platforms offer targeted ads and measurable metrics, radio advertising remains a formidable tool for reaching broad audiences and building brand recognition in local communities. According to a recent report by edison research, around 53% of 13-34 year old’s are now reached by some radio each day – the majority of which, 56% to be exact, listen only in their car and...