The #1 Fear Attorneys Face in 2024

The #1 Fear Attorneys Face in 2024

Posted on February 15, 2024 by Law Leaders

The #1 Fear Attorneys Face in 2024

The other night I had a great dinner with some of the most successful attorneys in the US where I asked them all one simple question: What is your biggest fear you face looking forward? After a lot of curious looks and brief discussion, everybody eventually agreed on one simple answer…

During our discussion, the usual challenges like time management, marketing strategy, getting quality clients, growing competition, client selection & management, staff mgmt., etc. were all initially mentioned. So, when I asked them all what the impact TECHNOLOGY will likely have on each area, the answer was resoundingly “HUGE.” Clearly there are many challenges attorneys face but their fears all lead back to the same place – the looming and rapidly approaching impacts of TECHNOLOGY.

But here’s the problem. Even though most people expect TECHNOLOGY to ultimately disrupt all of these areas of law – their FEAR is they don’t yet know how it will happen. Uncertainty is never good in business planning, but change can be – and that is what we all know is coming.

Technology using Generative AI and machine learning is expected to massively disrupt every aspect of the practice of law including marketing. But like a massive tsunami in the far-off distance, most people don’t know what the true impact will be until it hits. But we all know it is coming and worst way to help prepare for it is to wait and see…most people don’t survive tsunamis this way and neither will law firms in the months and years ahead.

In anticipation of the coming AI tsunami, we conducted a webinar on the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on legal with an emphasis on legal marketing. In this webinar, we discussed how AI is now disrupting every aspect of legal marketing well beyond simple ChatGPT content generation. To help illustrate this point, every aspect of our own unique Contact Leads Attorney Referral service is now powered by AI technology – in which we are seeing huge efficiencies with significantly higher performance. This allows us to outperform traditional law firm marketing models both nationally and locally and produce higher quality clients and cases for our members at lower Client Acquisition Costs. Here is an overview of this service…


Our unique Contact Leads Service is now offered in every city within the United States and provides real-time new client call transfers to attorneys based on 18 practice areas. We offer this service based on two options:

  • Attorneys can take advantage of our own current national ads running nation-wide. For only $29.95/mo., we set up attorneys in our Contact Leads service as well as create a premier attorney profile in our members directory for people who want to select an attorney online instead. Anytime new clients call about a legal need in a market where an attorney is located, the attorney will then exclusively receive these calls real-time from our call center in a rotation order with any other attorneys in your area who signup for the same practice areas and location. What if attorneys want more calls?
  • If an attorney wants higher call volume, we will run our ads locally through our Local Market Boost option whereby each attorney can define how much extra they want to spend each month (in increments of $50), and we will run additional locally targeted practice area ads for you. Some clients will spend around $500/mo. while others spend over $10K/Mo. – you only spend based on how much extra call volume you want to receive and what you are comfortable with.

The best part of this service is there are NO CONTRACTS, and you can cancel at any time if not satisfied with your results. For most firms, this is a great way to help diversify your new client generation sources and leverage the scale and power of the Law Leader brand and resources to help grow your practice with more and better new clients and cases.

Hundreds of new client calls looking for top-rated attorneys call into our call center responding to our AI-generated ads and every day we connect these clients real-time to attorneys that want new business.

So, if you too fear the potential impacts of Technology and Artificial Intelligence on your practice in 2024 and beyond, don’t wait for the tsunami to hit before you act! Join the growing number of leading law firms nation-wide by giving the Law Leaders Contact Leads service powered by AI a chance and see what it can do for you! So CLICK HERE to signup now and see the difference AI-powered legal marketing can make for your practice!

– Dustin Ruge

Law Leaders is an exclusive, peer-based members only lawyer organization comprised of the most extraordinary lawyers in the United States. At Law Leaders, our mission is to help identify, connect, advance, and promote the nation’s top lawyers both within the legal community and with consumers who want the best legal representation possible. Our designated members currently include 88,156 of the nation’s top attorneys from coast to coast. If you are considered an extraordinary lawyer by your peers within your market, CLICK HERE to learn more about or nomination process and how to get started today.


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